Hoaït Ñoäng chuû yeáu cuûa coâng ty lieân doanh:
Cho thueâ rô mooùc - container chuyeân duïng vaø caùc thieát bò vaän chuyeån container khaùc.
Söûa chöõa vaø laép raùp caùc thieát bò vaän chuyeån rô mooùc - container.
Quaûn lyù depot vaø thöïcc hieän caùc dòch vuï lieân quan ñeán rô mooùc,
container vaø depot.
Vaän chuyeån Container ñöôõng boä vaø ñöôõng thuûy.
the VWW's scope of activities:
Leasing chassis and container transportation equipment.
Repairing and assembling of container and transportation equipment.
Depot management and comprehensive depot services related to chassis
and container.
Container transportation by roads and waterways.
this site was created by Cadena IT-services